Saturday, June 21, 2008

Housework June 19: 15 minutes

... which consists of pouring myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast & offloading the dishwasher. Not bad. Again, though, I had dinner out: an alumni thing for the University of York. This leads me to wonder why I find it sweet that York includes me in events, and annoying that Columbia asks me for money. Maybe I just answered my own question. York is so eager to get an alumni group going over here in the Wilds of the Western US that they're ridiculously excited when I respond to them in any way - whereas Columbia wants cash. Sigh. In contrast, York spotted my drinks and calamari at the Thirsty Bear: "It's on the Uni!" said with the big smile that always seems to accompany someone who doesn't often get to expense things and is just thrilled to have the chance. Sweet indeed. 

More thoughts after reading comments: 884 pages of housework instructions? Maybe I shouldn't admit it, but I didn't know it was possible to clean drains before they were clogged. What do you, pour down soap? That can't be right. I may not know what I'm doing but I have at least noticed that one of the primary ingredients in drain-clogs is soap scum. 

And multi-tasking housework is still housework; I'm not trying to optimize my life (that would be too much like work), I'm trying to figure out what it takes, measure the status quo before considering whether I care to adapt. 

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