Thursday, March 26, 2009

Identity = ? (part 3)

Or heck, I could just post it all on that cooking blog I started a while back.

You tired of this topic yet, dear reader? I appear to have bored even myself.

1 comment:

moosk said...

i get what you're saying... i've finally decided to update my "more public" blog... i had a secret blog from when we were trying to get pregnant, and i didn't think that my real-life friends would want to know all of the gory details. but given how lazy i tend to be, i just ended up with two blogs i rarely posted on.

i'm now consolidating, and i haven't decided if i want to link it to my facebook page. most of what i've written i don't mind random "friends" reading, but i think there might be a couple of old posts in there that might irk some of my "friends." and given said laziness, i'm not sure if i'm willing to troll through the archives to be sure one way or the other... let me know what you decide to do.