The greatest quote ever for a human rights event:
We already have a quorum for a nude torch run to happen after the official run. We are inviting you and your nude friends to join us. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make an indelible statement for human rights.I translate this as, "Hey! A chance to get naked! And oh yeah, human rights are important! C'mon NAKED, baby, NAKED!!!"
The current temperature in SF is 51°F (Cloudy). I hope they have a fabulous time :)
you mean you're not going with your naked friend???
What naked friend would that be, exactly?! Somehow I never have the urge to strip in the city....
You should ask L! He's one of those people who sometimes has to struggle to keep his clothes on. And with our cold New England winters, he's all acclimated!
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