Wednesday, April 02, 2008

This is why I'm not even trying to work for Facebook

Facebook is getting a lot of buzz around Silicon Valley lately: it's in the news, it's on people's blogs, I keep getting invites, blah blah blah.

And yet so far I haven't even attempted to get a job there. It comes up every so often as a "would you ever" kind of thing, and my stock line is, "well, it's walking distance to my house, which would be nice, and they give you an extra $600 a month if you commute on foot, which would also be nice, but yeah, I just don't get it. I think I'm too old!" Whoever I'm talking to laughs, and I laugh, and we get on with whatever we have to be getting on with.

This morning, however, I am justified! Ha! And here's the title that tells me I'm not a complete idiot for passing up the not-yet-public, run-by-a-23-year-old, highly-visible startup that would let me multi-task my exercise with my commute:
Facebook-for-Profit Apps Echo with Sound of Silence

Enjoy! And cross your fingers for me that two or three years from now I'm not wishing I'd made the move.

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