Thursday, November 15, 2007

In case you're wondering ...

... why it took me so long to finish Microserfs, it's because I am currently also reading:

Snow, by Orhan Pamuk
--> artistic & cool, but it's taking me forever - something about its being a translation, I think. Sigh.

Temples, Tombs, & Hieroglyphs, by Barbara Mertz
--> Egypt is fun. This book is like gossip about Egypt.

Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste, and Style, by Tim Gunn
--> lent to me by a coworker with whom I had a mind-clearing conversation about shoes & closets. I have decided my style mentor is Katherine Hepburn.

Write Away, by Elizabeth George
--> for inspiration; it's so like an instruction manual that I can't help but be seduced. Also a good read.

The Queen of the South, by Arturo Perez-Reverte
--> I want to like this book, so I'm still reading it, but I keep getting bored.
So there.

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