Friday, January 04, 2008


Out here in California we don't get what you Easterners call real winter weather - at least most of the time.

So I'm just here to tell you that today, it's raining. It's raining so much that the creek depth near my house, which was 0.0 feet yesterday, is 7.0 feet as I write this.

And how do I know that? I know that because Silicon Valley likes its toys, and so the City of Palo Alto has installed an electronic Creek Depth Measurement Gizmo somewhere in the actual creek, and the resulting data (complete with Creek Cam views!) is available on the Palo Alto creek monitor website. I can check it obsessively from my desk at work as often as I like! Oh goody!

Will my house flood? Will it not? Only time will tell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saturday evening--I see that the creek is lower! Hurray!
Our power was out for a couple of hours yesterday, but have heat, power, and phone today. Winds yesterday were pulling the turnbuckles that hold down the roof door; we added a bungey cord to hold them in place.
Next door neighbor has no phone; phone company says it will be fixed by Monday evening.
Have never seen the surf so high. Waves went over the bike trail just past Lovers' Point. Surfers there today were riding humongous waves--over and beside rocks. Two or three stretches of bike trail between Hopkins Marine Lab and Lovers' Point were yellow taped closed because of the dropoff. Walkers just duck under the tapes and keep going.
Several major downtown intersections have mal- or nonfunctioning lights. Branches down everywhere.
Loyal Reader