Thursday, June 01, 2006

House of straw: way cool construction

A long time back, I got interested in straw bale construction: great insulation, low cost, zero termite attraction . . . the advantages just go on and on and on (though really, I just like the idea of heaving straw bales around. Go sweat equity!).

More recently, my friend J revealed that she, too, thinks this idea is cool (nice, since I often suspect that people I rant to about this are really just humoring me) - and sent me a link to David Ward's Straw Jet Machine. Inspiring quote:

"Imagine . . . a new insulation . . . made from natural materials, and had no toxic emissions. Now imagine that this new insulation was also strong enough to replace the studs in the walls, the rafters in the roof, and the joists in the floor. Now imagine that this insulation was made from a material that is available in virtually limitless supply, environmentally friendly, and simple enough to manufacture in the most underdeveloped countries."

How can you not love this?!?

And so I wonder. If my guy and I really ever do buy that Victorian flat in the city, could we renovate using this stuff? If or when we get to that point, I fully intend to find out.

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