... if the economy continues to tank, I swear I am going to try at least half the projects listed in Geeks Getting By: Zero-Cost Gadget Upgrades for the Next Great Depression.
Combined with the fabulousness of Ponoko and the Sketchup-Inkscape pipeline plugin from FlightsOfIdeas.com, this could keep me busy for a long, long time.
Once I get some projects up on Ponoko I'll post links here. I've got a couple halfway completed so far, to the detriment of the hours I'm working, my efforts to read War & Peace, and the amount of sleep I'm getting - the only reason they're not already up is that they don't currently fill Ponoko's full sheets of material, and to keep shipping & materials costs down, I want to change that. So I'm waiting to order till I get a few more pieces going.
The only downside to all this is that the name I dreamed up for my design-making alter ego is already taken: Marq Design (or DesignMarq), RIP. Back to the brainstorming table.