Friday, November 18, 2005


I originally started this blog as list of bookmarks for myself - but in the couple of years since then, I haven't needed any of that info I so carefully saved (life metaphor, anyone?).

More recently, I find myself writing long, ranting emails about a variety of (mostly political) topics. I also find myself wishing I lived in the age of the Traditional Christmas Letter, when it was socially acceptable to write a multi-page "this is my life" document and send it around to everyone you knew. The people I care about are scattered across several US states & several European countries - if I don't do a Traditional Christmas Letter, am I reduced to really, really, repetitive emails?

Sigh. So I'm joining the information age (yes, yes, this is ironic, considering the whole I-live-in-Silicon-Valley thing) & restarting the *?!~* blog.

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