In the interests of blogging about something I'm passionate about, I just started a second blog: Impatient Cook.
Grin. It's an experiment. Recipe for pear muffins, anyone?
I was sort of amazed at how easy it was. Domain registration of thru Yahoo: ~$11/year. Blog itself: free. Time to set whole thing up: under 10 minutes. And now I have a website. I also have grandiose dreams of putting ads on it and making enough money to. . . Do Something With. I'm not sure how much money that might be. I'm not sure how feasible putting ads on my blog is, anyway.
But isn't "Impatient Cook" a great phrase? How is it that no one else snapped it up during the '90s boom of "I'm going to get rich off of registering domain names that people will want later on"?
And what will I do with this blog? Leave it as a welter of random chatter? Why, yes, that is exactly what I'll do. . . .
Friday, November 18, 2005
I originally started this blog as list of bookmarks for myself - but in the couple of years since then, I haven't needed any of that info I so carefully saved (life metaphor, anyone?).
More recently, I find myself writing long, ranting emails about a variety of (mostly political) topics. I also find myself wishing I lived in the age of the Traditional Christmas Letter, when it was socially acceptable to write a multi-page "this is my life" document and send it around to everyone you knew. The people I care about are scattered across several US states & several European countries - if I don't do a Traditional Christmas Letter, am I reduced to really, really, repetitive emails?
Sigh. So I'm joining the information age (yes, yes, this is ironic, considering the whole I-live-in-Silicon-Valley thing) & restarting the *?!~* blog.