Tuesday, November 10, 2009


6:15am: Wake abruptly, having realized what was bugging me about that request-for-proposal I got yesterday.

6:18am: Lie in bed, figuring out what to do about it and designing the presentation slides to explain it to others.

7:15am: Get up and draw the slides on some scrap paper.

8:50am: Breakfast

9:45am: Get lost on way to doctor appointment.

10:05am: Doctor appointment.

10:50am: Stop for a cupcake. I *need* a cupcake.

11am: Accidentally (ie, due to cupcake stop) miss my team’s daily standup meeting.

11:30am: Realize that *this* meeting can be cancelled. Aha! Reply to email instead.

12noon: Meeting about taxes.

1pm: Meeting about ... I’ve forgotten.

2pm: Training session about how to be a better Product Manager.

3:30pm: Meeting about whether this thing I’m designing will also work for somebody else’s team.

4pm: Meeting about the overlap between that presentation I started this morning and R’s designs.

5pm: Start getting the slides off my scrap paper and into the computer.

6:30pm: Oh, right, I needed to pay those bills. Online bill pay. And did Fry’s actually refund me for that thing I returned? Yes? Okay, good. 

7pm: Inner monologue:
- You said you were going to leave work earlier today.
- Uh-huh.
- So. You going to get out of here and go work on your book?
- I’m tired! I’ve been up since 6:15!

7:10pm: Get up, leave desk, out to car, start driving to library. Inner monologue continues: 
- But if you don’t work on the book tonight, then when are you going to?
- But I’m tired!
- [Pause] Well, what would you rather do instead? Watch TV?
- [Sighs] There’s never anything on....
- You could go to the gym.
- [Disdainful silence]
- Or go home and vacuum. How about vacuuming?
- [More disdainful silence]
- Well, you could read.
- [Inner inner monologue] But you know, lately reading seems so flat compared to writing!
- Well, what are you going to do then? Come on, it’s only 7pm. You know you won’t go to sleep for at least a couple of hours. What would you rather do than write? There must be something.
- [Inspiration!] I could write a blog post to procrastinate!

7:47pm: Finish blog post....