A while back, I signed up for GreenDimes in an attempt to a) spend less time throwing out junk mail and b) cause less junk mail to be sent to landfills after I throw it out.
And guess what? It's working! Today, for example, I got exactly 3 pieces of mail: one bill from my accountant (ack, why couldn't GreenDimes have stopped that too?!); one retirement-account-related thing for my guy; and one ad from the SF Design Center, who think I'm still a grad student at Berkeley. You know what that means? No junk!
Ok, so last week I also got a J. Crew catalog. But they've been following me around ever since New York. Imagining I might escape so easily, is, clearly, way too much to ask.
Go GreenDimes go!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Update: down with stupid junk mail
Labels: Tech
Friday, July 20, 2007
Trade books with me!
I read a lot. Side-effect: stacks of books that I don't intend to re-read. Solution (I hope): I've posted them on BookMooch.
So ... trade books with me! By the time you read this, I'll probably have more listed.
So far I've got:
And of course, other people have posted their books too....
Labels: Cool websites
Monday, July 16, 2007
In which I almost achieve a lifelong dream
Last week I received yet another "Save this cat!" email in my inbox. Sob story: cat is unhappy indoors, and sprays. Cat is sent to Animal Services. Cat is scheduled for euthanasia.
Enter the soft-hearted, cat-rescue-minded corporate employee that encountered said cat and sent out the email.
Enter yours truly. "I've always wanted a cat!" I think. "And this one has to be outdoors, so it won't cause any problems for my allergy-prone guy! This is the perfect cat for me!" I email the cat rescue person. Discussions ensue. Then I go away to a management conference (!), and ask the cat rescue woman to stall Animal Services on the whole euthanasia thing till I got back.
And while the cat rescue woman stalled, Animal Services decided that the cat did not spray after all, that probably its owners were lying (to make themselves feel better about dumping it?!). And so the cat is now officially up for adoption - for a family that has an indoor/outdoor home for it. This means that the cat is no longer for me.
I tell myself that hey, great, I saved a cat! My stalling gave it the time it needed to prove it could be a Good Pet after all. But somehow, that doesn't quite make up for expecting that by this time this week, I'd have a cat to pet when I get home.
Labels: Other